Getting kids to do their chores without nagging

Since I became a mom, I’ve worked tirelessly to be a better mom. I’ve struggled with Mommy Guilt, I’ve been shamed by other Moms, and I spend a lot of time reading, learning, and growing as a parent. My son isn’t old enough yet for the advice Sheila from is sharing today, but I am very excited for her to share her insights with all of you. Bonus? Free Printables below!


Get Children to do their chores without nagging. Try these simple printables, tips and tricks to teaching kids chores |

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if kids would do their daily chores without you having to nag? Without you begging, negotiating, or having to threaten a loss of privileges? Printable chore charts can help you turn things around. Your kids will appreciate the structure and incentives, and you will feel a sense of relief.

Here’s all you have to do

  • Check Pinterest, Google, or visit for a large selection of free chore charts.
  • Decide on chores (see age-appropriate ideas below)
  • Sit with your youngster and review the chores you want to focus on
  • Agree on an incentive and when it will be awarded
  • Have supplies on hand to record success (BONUS! You can use the basics of Say Not Sweet Anne’s magnetic chore chart with any of these printables!)
  • Find a location to display or keep the chart and—go!Get Children to do their chores without nagging. Try these simple printables, tips and tricks to teaching kids chores |

Tips for success

Keep it light-hearted and be sure to include any chores that may be done already, to show your appreciation for those activities (for example, hanging up wet towels). Then add chores to the list that are not being regularly done. Don’t make it too daunting! You don’t want your son or daughter to dread the chart. The goal is to have it be successful from the start and to make life easier for both of you.

Find ways to make the chart fun, either with colorful stickers, an inked stamp, allowing for coloring. Or, for an older youngster a simple check will often suffice. You may want to display the chart in a spot like the kitchen where other family members or visitors will see it and comment, allowing for verbal reinforcement.

Try combining a chore chart with our free behavior bucks or award certificates to give your child something to look forward to once the chore chart has been filled out. Kids love getting this type of the recognition for their efforts!

Be sure to keep chores age-appropriate. See our helpful age-appropriate chores list for ideas. Keep in mind that kids are all different, and you may need to adjust the chores to match the abilities of your child.

Keep it flexible and feel free to add other goals to the chore chart that are part of a daily routine or self-care, like brushing teeth or getting dressed on time.

Magnetic Chore Chart by Thrifty Crafty Girl via

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Sheila Rogers DeMare, MS, is founder and director of the nonprofit Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy and editor of the website She communicates regularly with physicians, families, and organizations to learn and share new findings on treating neurological conditions with integrative approaches. With a background in school psychology, she has a special focus on the use of behavior charts to assist families, providing them free of charge on the website. Sheila is author of the bestseller Natural Treatments for Tics and Tourettes: A Patient and Family Guide and co-author of Behavior Charts to the Rescue: A Guide for Parents and Teachers.

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