Growing up Anxious: How I Deal With Panic Attacks

Growing Up Anxious: How I Deal With Panic Attacks

Growing up, there were a lot of things that worried me – things that probably didn’t even phase my childhood peers. For example: I remember constantly being in a state of nervousness after school. Somehow, I always thought that I didn’t take the homework down correctly. It would be a full night of tears and telephoning various classmates to confirm (and re-confirm, of course) what the assignments were and when they were due. I know this could be a concern for any student, but in my case, these outbreaks of paranoia started as early as the second grade.

And it didn’t get any better as I got older.

I have anxiety – and one aspect of my condition is the panic attacks. Over the years, I had to learn how to work around them. Even now that I’m in my late twenties, panic attacks will occur from time to time. Through learning, coping, and with the support of my husband, family, and friends, I’ve used several strategies to overcome my episodes. I’ve even found that participating in activities that clear my mind put me in a more relaxed state and help me avoid the panic attacks altogether.

These are some of the things I do to keep calm and clear my thoughts:


Growing Up Anxious: How I Deal With Panic Attacks

Sitting still and practicing my breathing methods really help me get through days where I am most anxious. The ultimate goal in meditation is to find inner peace, which I find ideal for anyone looking to provide themselves with self-comfort and reassurance.

Take a bath

Growing Up Anxious: How I Deal With Panic Attacks

For me, taking a warm bath is like snuggling up in a big, fluffy, comfortable blanket. I like to use bath bombs to keep the water colorful, interesting, and full of great scent. Bath-time is a great way to escape the outside world, close your eyes, and be in your own bubble (or, in this case, your own bubble bath!).

Growing Up Anxious: How I Deal With Panic Attacks

Listen to Music

Growing Up Anxious: How I Deal With Panic Attacks

When I was a little girl, music was something I had a true passion for. At one point, I had considered (or dreamed) to practice music as a career. Now, music has become my getaway: a soothing, soulful arrangement of songs and symphonies can really help ease my worries on tougher days.

Getting Fresh Air

This is something I do even while I’m in “panic-attack mode.” I often like to give myself some time outdoors, taking a walk and breathing in the air to get over my worries.

I may not have fully understood what was happening during my attacks when I was younger, but now that I am more aware of my condition, things have gotten a lot easier. I feel that I am in control of my thoughts and that I have surrounded myself with people who are loving and supportive. It’s family and good friends that have helped me take strides with my anxiety disorder. Step by step, they’ve helped me realize how brave I could really be.

If you have anxiety or think you may have anxiety, it is best to see a medical professional. Every case is different and so it is best to speak with a doctor to see what methods are best for you.


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Hello, my name is Lisa and I am so thrilled to be a contributor for the Say Not Sweet Anne blog. I have a knack for developing recipes and adore the art of food photography. You can find more of my foodie work on

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