Health + Beauty

4 thoughts on “Health + Beauty

  1. Hello Kayla, for the face moisturizer, have you consider adding a sun protection into it, and if so, what ingredients would you recommend?

  2. Many people say that you should wipe down every utensil (including blender) with a paper towel, to the best of your ability, prior to placing in water. Have not tried this method yet, but just wanted to share.

  3. I really want to try making the facial moisturizer, but before I dive in, I would like to know how you clean your blender once you’re finished. I just made my own lip balm using beeswax, which was super quick and easy, however, cleanup was a bit difficult. Any tips?

    1. Tarra,

      I usually boil a large stockpot of water and dip all the utensils and the blender carafe in that. Good luck!

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