Prepare Your Car for Summer Roadtrips

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SummerCarCare #CollectiveBias . My husband and I are road trip people. We have driven to every vacation we’ve ever taken (with the notable exception of our recent trip to Jamaica) and for many of those trips, the drive wasRead more

Baked Pears Recipe

This baked pear recipe get’s me thinking. I don’t know exactly why – but we never really had pears when I was growing up. I used to have fun carving apple jack-o-lanterns, writing messages on banana skins, and trying to catch grapes in my mouth, but I can’t remember ever having a pear until IRead more

A Better Sharpie Mug Method

There have been hundreds of tutorials written about the Sharpie Mug method, some using plain Sharpies, others using the oil-based kind. Essentially, you write on a mug in Sharpie and then you bake it until the drawing becomes semi permanent. Sounds amazing huh!? Always excited for new ways of decorating my coffee mug, I’ve had thatRead more

5 Secrets of a Perfect Party

This past weekend, my little Squish turned 1 year old. I don’t have the time to get into how complicated my feelings are about it. What I CAN talk about, is his adorable Monster themed first birthday party. Parties are sometimes stressful events. They tend to come around during the most poignant moments in life.Read more

DIY Exfoliating Coconut and Coffee Scrub

I know it doesn’t look like much. I considered not even sharing this Coffee Scrub because it looks, well, like dirt. But let me tell you – you can’t judge this scrub by its color. I’ve been looking for a while for a good facial scrub to use periodically with my DIY Face moisturizer andRead more

DIY Marbled Paper Stationary Set

I’m a big fan of paper and stationary. I mean, I designed my own planner for crying out loud. So, while it is true this project could be a gift… I’ll skip the formalities and admit I made the DIY Marbled Paper Stationary for myself. I’m not even ashamed. I can’t wait to use it! ThereRead more

5 Ways to Combat Mommy Guilt

“Mommy Guilt”. The fact is, all mothers feel it. Maybe not all of the time, maybe not over the same things. (I actually think some of the comments that spurred me to write about Why I’m One of “Those” Moms were born out of Mommy Guilt.) There is something about the immense task of raisingRead more

Beautiful Empowering Printable

I think we’ve all had situations where our ability to form words just isn’t enough to express our feelings. This Mother’s day printable came from mine. Each year around Mother’s Day, I feel just that way. My feelings toward the women who have shaped me, and now toward motherhood itself, are complicated and rich. TheRead more