Blow Your Mind Healthy DIY Facial Moisturizer

For pretty much my whole teen and adult life I’ve been on some sort of skincare regimen. From acne to dryness, I’ve had a hard time finding my balance. Well, about a year ago I stopped using some of the super expensive subscription style face care products and decided to go all natural. Since then,Read more

Marshmallow Creepers Peep Treats Recipe

Last April fools day ThinkGeek pulled a prank about Marshmallow Creepers. These were Peeps that looked like Creepers from the popular indie game Minecraft. Well, needless to say it went over well, and people were sorely disappointed to discover that they could not actually purchase them. For months I’ve been thinking about making my ownRead more

DIY Clover Mints + [Free Printable]

This project has to be one of my favorites in a long time. It was one of those things where almost everything came together as I planned it. Also- I did it over a period of days and didn’t feel to stressed about it. In this era of home-buying-madness, there is little that I don’tRead more

3D Paper Necklace

Remember those 3D Paper Earrings I made last summer? Well, its been almost a year and they are still going strong. The paper has held up REALLY well, and even though I let one of them sit in a puddle of water by the bathroom sink for several hours- it dried right back to perfection.Read more