SNICKERS®: Who am I when I am hungry?

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions, experiences (and drawings!) are mine alone. #WhenImHungry #CollectiveBias I’m the type to get wrapped up in things. I get wrapped up in a project, in an errand, in a TV show and totally forget all the other things on my to-do list. MostRead more

Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cupcakes

Hi Everyone! I’m Aida from The Crafting Foodie, and I’m so excited to be sharing these Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cupcakes with you today. A few months ago I made this Brown Butter Banana Toffee Cake. It was my first time baking with brown butter, and let’s just say it was revolutionary. Simply cooking meltedRead more

Printable Siblings Cards

Mother’s and Father’s Day are on the horizon, but did you know there is such a thing as Sibling’s Day? It’s April 10th. Its not super official but they are working to make it a national holiday (Check it out at In 2014, Siblings Day became pretty well known on social media channels like FacebookRead more

Outlander Rustic Massage Bar

In order to celebrate the return of The Outlander series this weekend, myself and some of my bloggy friends are hosting a Kindle Touch Giveaway that includes The Outlander books 1 – 8! And that is not all. Each of us has put together a project or a recipe that is inspired by The Outlander. There are some really,Read more

Printable Mario Treat Boxes

It is no secret that Hubby and I are gamers. In the past I’ve shared Minecraft creeper marshmallows, Printable Minecraft costumes, Zelda themed swaddle blanket and this awesome Zelda themed ceramic mug. Today though, I’m going even more old school. I’m talking the Nintendo Entertainment System, baby! The console itself was released in my husband’s birth year,Read more

Daddy To Be Basket

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MySignatureMove #CollectiveBias If you haven’t noticed already, my husband is what I’d call a renaissance man. He is good at a wide variety of things, and he is interested in almost everything he comes across. His primary traitsRead more

DIY Tinted Glass

I’m sure you’ve all seen the beautiful images on Pinterest about making DIY tinted glass, or tinted mason jars. The recipe is simple: a little mod podge, a little food coloring and a jar. Sound easy right? Well, I’m not saying its impossible. And now that I’ve had some time to live with the jarsRead more

20 Amazing and Adorable Ways to Use Peeps

One of my favorite signs of spring is the sudden appearance of birds. One day there is nothing, not a perfectly formed beak to be found… and the next day they flock around all my favorite neighborhood stores. Bright plumage lining all of the candy aisles. Of course I’m not talking about real birds. Oh no.Read more

How To Make Hazelnut Mocha Latte For Two

It took me years to start drinking coffee. I’m not a huge caffeine junky, as I don’t drink soda either, and it just never came up. Then I was introduced to the Burger King Mocha Joe in my college years. It was something like 1/2 coffee, 1/2 liquid vanilla shake mix and 3 pumps ofRead more

Printable Budget Envelopes

Sometimes I just lose track of my spending. I think it is a pretty common thing among people, since there are 100s of ways to combat that sort of “spending blindness.” Many of the best financial advisors suggest budgeting, or Printable Budget Envelopes. For some people, like my husband, simply writing down planned amounts isRead more

Easy Inkjet to Fabric Transfer

There are literally hundreds of tutorials out there for using an ink jet printer to transfer images and text onto fabric. And I swear, I’ve tried them all. Many of them are based on the premise of using freezer/wax paper through the printer so that the ink beads up and then can be transferred toRead more