SNICKERS®: Who am I when I am hungry?

Who Are You When You Are Hungry? I'm a Prego-Zilla! | saynotsweetanne.comThis shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions, experiences (and drawings!) are mine alone. #WhenImHungry #CollectiveBias

I’m the type to get wrapped up in things. I get wrapped up in a project, in an errand, in a TV show and totally forget all the other things on my to-do list. Most of the time this works in my favor (you’d be surprised how quickly I can finish a project when I am not willing to stop until it is done) but sometimes, it doesn’t. Like when I end up spending a whole day on the couch glued to re-watching all of the seasons of Dr. WHO, or when I get so tied up in an exciting project that I forget to eat.

Pre-pregnancy forgetting to eat meant I got shaky, a little weak feeling, and needed to stop and find something to put in my face. Since I’ve been taken hostage by this little baby I am growing, if I don’t eat on time I turn into a hormone driven, uncomfortable, dizzy and fainting-spell approaching Prego-Zilla. Oh, and I still need to stop and find something to put in my angry raging Zilla mouth.

Who Are You When You Are Hungry? |

Thankfully, my adorable little brother just got his very first job at Speedway. I’m super proud of him, of course, for being all adult and making his own money. But I also like to drive him crazy and annoy him while he was at work. For this reason, he banned me from visiting him during working hours unless I actually need something at Speedway. Well, I think that buying a SNICKERS® in order to spare the world from Prego-Zilla is a noble endeavor. And if I get to tease my little brother while he works, that is just a bonus. Seriously though, the store is convenient, doesn’t require me trampsing through aisle after aisle, and I end up with a SNICKERS® to keep my “darker side” at bay.

Who Are You When You Are Hungry? I'm a Prego-Zilla! |

Apparently I’m not the only one who does a Jekyl/Hyde impersonation when hungry! SNICKERS® is currently doing a contest asking people to make images of who they are when they are hungry, (Diva? Puhleese. That is so benign compared to Prego-Zilla!) and upload them for a chance to win. You can check out other’s submissions, or submit your own here.

[question]Enter the SNICKERS® “Who are you when you’re hungry?” contest by uploading a personal photo or video from your Computer, Facebook, Instagram or use the SNICKERS® Meme Generator to create something new! Voting begins at Noon on 5/11/15 and ends at 11:59:59AM ET on 7/15/15.[/question]

For me, I decided to move to pen and paper. I think that this accurately conveys my ability to transform from sweet, well mannered pregnant lady to monstrous destroyer of worlds in the space of 2 hours without food. But don’t worry, I stocked up last time I visited my brother, so I’ve got a stash of SNICKERS® to keep the rest of the world safe from my wrath. (Mostly. Hunger isn’t the only thing that sets me off these hormone-driven days.)

Who Are You When You Are Hungry? I'm a Prego-Zilla! | Who Are You When You Are Hungry? I'm a Prego-Zilla! |

At first, he began to quip about how many I bought, and that I selected one of each of the Extreme, Peanut Butter Squares, Almond, and regular SNICKERS® (not pictured… didn’t make it through the car ride home). But I was able to squash his train of thought with a very patented Prego-Zilla look. So what? I keep 3 kinds of SNICKERS® in my purse. Come at me bro.

You can See more great SNICKERS® recipes and fun stories on the SNICKERS® social hubBut what I want to know is this:

Who are you when you’re hungry? Are you a Zilla too? Or maybe a Diva? Or a whiney infant? Maybe you just curl up and cry? I can’t wait to hear!

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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

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