Caramel Praline Celebration Fudge [Recipe]

Holy New Year Batman! Its hard to believe that it is almost 2013. I’ve been bumming around my mom’s house for the past week, hanging out with family, doing some DIY redecorating in my brother’s bedroom and all in all taking it easy. But don’t go thinking that because mom and I are couch-potato-ing thatRead more

Sweet Christmas Bottles [Free Printable]

This was a guest post for I just LOVE being able to share with my bloggy friends. I’m posting it here in case you missed it! Hello everyone! I hope that the first week of December was a good one for all of you! My name is Kayla from and I am so tickled to shareRead more

Hard Candy Christmas Tree [Free Printable}

I’ve had this idea in my head for a while, ever since I saw this Candy Buttons post by the Amazing SugarBelle . I never particularly cared for candy buttons when I was a kid, but The concept of it has always been intriguing. Candy arranged neatly on a peice of paper. But what if itRead more

Just Because Candy [Free Printable]

Valentine candy bar

I’ll admit it. For all of his flaws (and mine) my hubby is awesome. He is kind and smart, attentive and supportive. So, every now and than I like to give him a little something to show him that I care. Nothing too big, just enough to let him know that I was thinking aboutRead more

Dollar Store Candy Bar

The summer season means a lot of pot lucks for me. Family gatherings, graduation parties, work outings and miscellaneous other picnics. And I’m not ashamed to say that sometimes, I get rather behind. That means that the night before I have to present some amazing treat to wow the masses – I’m panicked, rushing, and usually pretty grouchy.Read more

Who DOESN’T Love to bake!?

The smell of warm lemon-butter cookies, or pumpkin bread throughout the house is a dear one to me. The Holiday season feels to full of joy and love when I and the people around me pour our love into food. Its tangible, its giftable, and its delicious. Each year I try my best to make aRead more

Spooky Straw/Sucker/Cupcake toppers [Free Download]

I really adore the idea of handing out special treats to every trick-or-treater this year. I’ve been wracking my brain tring to think of something that would make them smile. While I’d love to make tiny little treat boxes for every child, (and still aspire to), I have to admit that might not pan out.Read more