Dollar Store Candy Bar

The summer season means a lot of pot lucks for me. Family gatherings, graduation parties, work outings and miscellaneous other picnics. And I’m not ashamed to say that sometimes, I get rather behind. That means that the night before I have to present some amazing treat to wow the masses – I’m panicked, rushing, and usually pretty grouchy. Baking cookies late into the night, or slaving over some side dish early the next morning is usually not my idea of fun. But this year I’ve got it covered. This entire display (stands and all!) came from  pieces found at the dollar store- and took less than 10 minutes to put together!

What You Will Need:

  • Various bowls
  • Candlesticks
  • One large glass
  • Various candies
  • A coordinating large size gift bag (Get one based on the occasion! Pink for baby showers, silver for Christmas, etc!)
  • E-6000 Glue

How To Make It

  1. We’ll deal with the bag first. This is going to become a mat for the display, and the handles will become ribbon tied around the bases of the glassware. Simply cut the front of the bag apart, making sure that your edges are straight. Cut the ribbon off the top, and press on a low heat with an iron. (I used my hair straightener on super low)
  2. Remove all stickers from the bottom of the bowls. Use rubbing alcohol to remove all oils from the bottom of the bowls and the top of the candlesticks.
  3. Following the instructions on the E-6000, apply the glue to the bottom of the bowls. Allow it to set for 2 minutes, and then attach the candlestick. Leave overnight to cure. (It’ll be ready in the morning- by the time you have to pack up and get ready for that potluck.)
  4. The next morning, when you arrive and are setting up. Place your mat down. Top with the bowl displays and the tall glass. Fill each with candy. (I got all of my candy from the dollar store as well. I chose after dinner mints, peanut butter and caramel cups, and long marshmallow sticks for the tall glass.)
  5. Use the ribbon from the bag to tie neat bows at the base of the bowl displays.
  6. DONE! Less than $10, less than 10 minutes, and its seriously cute! I still have this set up on my counter. And I just keep looking over at its serious cuteness. I’m happy to have the bowl displays, and I’m sure I’ll use them again.
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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

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