Jeweled Printable Valentines Necklace

I know this time of year we are all flooded with cutesy printables and paper valentines. There are punny ones, monster ones, easy ones and hard ones. I almost hate to add to the overload, but I made these printable valentines to be a little different. You see, these printable valentines are meant to becomeRead more

Vacuum Sealed Baked Goods

If you’ve ever read this site before, you know that my BFF moved to Korea in August of this year. Her and her husband have been having a great time teaching over there, but she does miss home. Among the things that she’s craving are: fruit snacks, McDonald’s Holiday Pie, brownies and peanut butter. SoRead more

Printable Half Size Planner

[question]This page is out of date. The 2015 Planner line is now available! Check it out![/question]   Happy New Year!!! As you probably already know, back in October I launched a line of Printable Modular Planners in my store. Well, I’m happy to say they’ve been a huge success!! So huge, that I’ve been gettingRead more

Rootbeer Ice Cream [Recipe]

Have you ever ordered a Brown Cow? Well, its one of my favorite things ever. A brown cow is really just a rootbeer float, but with the rootbeer and icecream mixed together like a shake. Its creamy, and sassparilla flavored -ugh! Just to die for! Its only natural then, since my mother gave me anRead more

DIY Clover Mints + [Free Printable]

This project has to be one of my favorites in a long time. It was one of those things where almost everything came together as I planned it. Also- I did it over a period of days and didn’t feel to stressed about it. In this era of home-buying-madness, there is little that I don’tRead more

3D Paper Necklace

Remember those 3D Paper Earrings I made last summer? Well, its been almost a year and they are still going strong. The paper has held up REALLY well, and even though I let one of them sit in a puddle of water by the bathroom sink for several hours- it dried right back to perfection.Read more

Hearts to Hearts Printable Card Game

A couple of Saturdays ago I had the distinct pleasure to Guest Post on I shared this cute printable as part of a Valentine series, and I think its about time I share it with you! Every year I have TONS of ideas for Valentine’s day. Most of them revolve around candy, -like theRead more

Two Ingredient Heart Soap

I am not a soap maker. The people I see at the farmer’s market are pros. They’ve got pantries full of crazy ingredients, awesome molds and pretty packaging. They know all the fancy chemistry and the do’s and don’ts of a professional hard cured soap. I do not. In fact- soap making seems a littleRead more

Caramel Praline Celebration Fudge [Recipe]

Holy New Year Batman! Its hard to believe that it is almost 2013. I’ve been bumming around my mom’s house for the past week, hanging out with family, doing some DIY redecorating in my brother’s bedroom and all in all taking it easy. But don’t go thinking that because mom and I are couch-potato-ing thatRead more

Sweet Christmas Bottles [Free Printable]

This was a guest post for I just LOVE being able to share with my bloggy friends. I’m posting it here in case you missed it! Hello everyone! I hope that the first week of December was a good one for all of you! My name is Kayla from and I am so tickled to shareRead more

Single Serving Bath Salts

Bath Salts Recipe

  Remember that conference I went to a while back? Well, one of the coolest things about it was that at breakfast we were served toast with mini jams. Oh no, not those plastic squares of jam you get in a diner. These were in teeny tiny glass jars! Needless to say I stuffed aRead more

Father’s Day [Free Printable]

Printable Fathers Day Word search free

Father’s day tends to be anticlimactic for me, since my father passed away in 2008. Usually my mother, brother, sister and I get together and do something fun (since it’s usually my brother’s birthday as well.) But, its impossible not to miss my dad any time of the year, especially during holidays like Father’s Day.Read more