30 Days to Finding your Blogging Voice – Day 2

You know, I started writing this whole rant about all of the the things that annoy me on FB, but then I realized they were all based around one thing.

Passive Caring.

All of the politics spouting, the starving infant photos, the “like if you are against animal abuse!” images, the “post this to your wall if you know someone who has died of cancer” posts- they all irritate the living daylights out of me. At first I was trying to explain why each one is annoying, but they all boil down to one thing. I feel that “liking” a picture, or sharing a post about cancer makes people feel they’ve done something, that they’ve cared, without *actually* doing or caring about anything.

I’d so much rather see someone volunteer for that political party, donate to feeding hungry children, spend time at a local shelter, or donate to cancer research than just talk about it on FB. I think those sorts of ways to “support” causes are superficial, short lived, and impotent. Its a passive way of caring that is easy but not functional.

Maybe its because I work for a non-profit and I can tell you that sharing a picture of a starving family on FB isn’t going to help us feed the poor that show up at our doorstep. We struggle every day to make ends meet so that we can help as many people as possible. If each of those FB actions was even just $.25, we’d be so much better off- and so would those we serve.

I want to see more Active Caring.

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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

3 thoughts on “30 Days to Finding your Blogging Voice – Day 2

  1. I find these types of posts to be rather annoying as well. Many of them are fake (share this post and so and so will live to see another day, etc) so I tend to just pass over them. I agree with you – instead of sharing a photo or distributing spam on Facebook, go out and try to do something real to help those in need. The other thing that annoys me on Facebook is people who constantly complain. I have deleted or hidden some of those people but some of them are actually my friends so I would like to keep up with them. Just not their complaining.

    Have a fabulous day, Kayla! 🙂

  2. I totally agree! Those ‘like’ or ‘share’ pics seem to trivialize the issue it is representing. I think it would be great if there were 25 cent donation for each share … unfortunately (or fortunately) depending how you look at it, there would not be nearly as many of those photos shared if the fb user actually had to donate money to do it. I rarely check my personal fb because between the random shared photos & insulting political jokes, It is more irritating than enjoyable.
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