Fave 5!

There’s a special kind of bond you get in art school.  Every one of your classmates watches while you struggle, bare your secrets, produce your proudest pieces- not to mention stay up for 3 days straight before final projects are due. I have to admit that sometimes I miss it. In my job I’m the only “creative” and sometimes that is lonely. There is no one to share my work with, no one to critique from an artsy perspective (its usually just a lot of text editing) and so I started my craft blog.

The best decision ever.

The past few weeks I have been just so overwhelmed with the amazing things that have been put out there on the blogosphere. Perfectly thought out and well executed projects, ideas that just astound me with their creativity, and heartfelt messages meant to warm someone’s day. Seriously guys- I feel like I’m back in art school.

So, I’ve decided to do a weekly highlight on some of the most mouth watering, brain scratching, creativity inspiring, sweet and thoughtful things I’m seeing in the blog world. I hope you find them all as awesome as I do! So, without further adieu…


#1 Homemade Doughnuts With Boston Cream Filling- by Rachel at Adventures of a DIY Mom

Boston Cream Doughnuts

I’ve always had a deep appreciation for yeast doughnuts (and conversely, a disdain of cake doughnuts) and just looking at these makes me hungry! They are beautifully golden, and the glaze looks so yummy! If only I could get Rachel to come make me some ;D In this post she shares her own tips and tricks as well as links to the recipes she used.


#2 Song Lyrics Scrapbook- by Elsie at A Beautiful Mess


Song Lyrics Scrapbook

Early in life I wanted to be a singer. I even competed in (and won a few) vocal competitions. By highschool I had mostly grown out of it but music is still a large part of me. I watch the lyrics unfold in my head creating 3 minute movies. That’s why this wonderful scrapbook caught my eye. The tutorial makes it seem super easy and I’m dying to try it!


#3 Cutting Board/Message Board- by Rhonda at Dollar Store Crafts


Cutting Board Message Board

It might have been the red on this one that caught my eye. My kitchen is red themed- and Hubby and I just recently started using a notepad shopping list on the fridge, (we were list-less before) so that part was right up my alley as well. Rhonda is constantly finding way to transform ordinary (and so cheap!) things into useful parts of life. This is no exception!


#4 Home Made Granola and Printable – by Cindy at Skip To My Lou


It is no secret that I adore everything Cindy makes. But this little jar is especially dear to my heart. First of all- I love printables. Secondly, I love typefaces. Cindy has chosen such understated and elegant colors, fonts, and ribbons to accompany what I am sure is a to die for granola. How could this ever be anything but amazing? Not to mention the whole kit and kaboodle is meant as an appreciation gift. <3


#4 Clip Board turned Display- by Amy at Positively Splendid


I am always on the lookout for cute things to brighten up my office. Double points to something that I can use and re-use with ease. Amy shows this nifty contraption as a photo display, but I can also see it as a recipe holder in my kitchen, a to-do list caddy at my desk, and a “kids table” sign holder at family gatherings. It inspired me. Sparked my imagination- and I can’t wait to make one!

Thank you ladies for making my week brighter- and for letting me share in your creativity! Don’t forget to grab a button if you were featured! Have a fantastic day!

Just copy & paste this code onto your blog!





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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

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