Sweet Sharing Monday

Well, I did it! I got my whole house cleaned this weekend. Top to bottom, floors mopped, baseboards dusted, oven scrubbed, 8 loads of laundry done, even craft room tidied. How did I do it you ask? Well, I wore sweatpants and an old t shirt, ventured no where outside of the house, and did only 3 crafts . Oh, and I neglected to get Sweet Sharing Monday up on time. But hey- when the inlaws get here this Friday– it’ll all be worth it.

Assuming I can keep it clean until then…

Anyhoo- what did YOU accomplish this weekend? I can’t wait to see!!

The party is after the features!!

Sweet Sharing Monday Most Clicked:


Vinyl Toilet Decor by Sam at Atkinson Drive

I actually laughed a little bit when I saw this in the party. Toilet Decor? Who does that? Am I expected to do that? Because I don’t think I could muster the energy to decorate my toilet. But then, I saw the post by Sam and this little anchor is awesome! What a striking and easy addition to a nautical themed bathroom! I think something like this keeps it from looking a little too little boy sailor, and dresses it up to be more nautical. How cute!!



And my Personal Favorite:

Spooky Halloween Trees by Angie at Marigold Mom

This one is sort of a favorite within a favorite. You see, this party is absolutely awesome. The details are amazing, the cost was kept low and I love how Angie focused on “spooky” and not “scary” for smaller children. But- the reason why I picked this was those awesome trees! At first I thought they were the expensive cardboard kind you can buy around this time of year- but no! Its just rolled black craft paper- drawn and cut out by hand!! How awesome is that? I need to put this up my sleeve for next Halloween.

If you were featured don’t forget to grab a button!

Enough! Let’s do some Sweet Sharing!

Don’t forget to Check back on Thursday to see which link was the most viewed!

To link back to the party- just copy & paste this code onto your blog!

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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

17 thoughts on “Sweet Sharing Monday

  1. I’m sharing the first steps I’ve taken in designing our vegetable garden.

    As well as how I made super cute kitty ears for my 4 month old daughter’s Halloween costume:

    Thanks for hosting!

    I hope you’ll share with us at our link party too! I co-host Eat Make Grow Thursdays.

    Stop on by if you get the chance:

    Foy Update recently posted..Last Minute Easy Cat Ears Costume TutorialMy Profile

    1. I can’t wait to read it! I made the lip balm you linked up last night. I love it! I used Beet powder and peppermint oil. =D

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