Last Minute Halloween Wreath

Cheap Black Wreath Makeover | | #halloween #decoration

Sometimes what I put into my Halloween decorations box is not what I take out the next year. When I dug into m Halloween Decorations (just today… I’ve been busy!) I was very excited to use a black wreath that I’d tucked in there last year. I found the wreath for dirt cheap a couple of days after Halloween last year and tossed it in the box for future use.

When I pulled it out, however, I found it to be flat and lack luster. It was just plain black with nothing to make it pop. So, I made a last minute trip to the dollar store and spruced it into a wreath I’ll be proud to hang on my door for all the trick or treaters to see.

What I used:

  • Black Wreath (on hand)
  • Spooky eyeballs ($1)
  • Black Crow ($1)
  • Halloween Ribbon ($1)
  • Wire (on hand)

How I Made It:

  1. I knew that I wanted to put the eyeballs all over the wreath, but they had no way to affix them to the wreath. So, I poked a hole on either side of every one. Using the hole, I threaded a piece of wire through and used that to attach to the wreath.
    Cheap Black Wreath Makeover | | #halloween #decorationCheap Black Wreath Makeover | | #halloween #decoration
  2. Using a similar method, I affixed the crow to the bottom center.
    Cheap Black Wreath Makeover | | #halloween #decoration
  3. Finally, I made a fluffy bow out of the $1 ribbon and used the wire to cinch it to the bottom of the wreath.
  4. That’s it! The whole thing took me less than 20 minutes (not counting the shopping.) After I had it all done, I found a string of battery powered orange LEDs. I decided to throw those on there too. ;D
    Cheap Black Wreath Makeover | | #halloween #decoration
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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

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