Expectant Parent Gift Guide

2014 Gift Guide | saynotsweetanne.com | #christmas #giftWhelp, I suppose it is time to spill the beans. Being an online personality is totally different than the way I interact with my in-real-life friends (not that I love you all any less!). I mean, if you and I had met at the water cooler today… you’d already know. Why? Because a 16 week baby bump is getting hard to hide.

That’s right! Hubby and I are expecting! I’m due in late april (Along with Duchess Kate!) and that means that there are some big changes coming our way.

So far I’ve learned that pregnancy is hard. It is often full of discomforts and tons of things to worry about. We had a rocky first few weeks and that anxiety still hasn’t fully left me. Now that the holidays are coming up, people have started asking me about gift ideas. The first thing I did was ask that people not get me gifts for my unborn child. There will be plenty of time for onesies and headbands or bow ties.

I know, this might be controversial. But frankly- If a gift has my name on it, I’d like it to be for me. Not for me to hold on to until baby X gets here. That said, there are plenty of things to get pregnant ladies that pamper them and show excitement for the baby-to-be.

Along the same lines, hubby has found that most suggested gifts for expectant father’s are in the form of sport-themed onesies and mini-me gag gifts. So he put together his very own list of suggestions for the excited father-to-be.


Gifts to buy For Expectant Mothers:

(All gifts are $35 or less AFTER shipping as of the writing of this post!)


Gifts to buy For Expectant Fathers:

FROM HUBBY:  A lot of pregnancy is focused on the mother. That is totally okay, but sometimes dads can feel left out. I don’t get to go through the pregnancy, but I can help in whatever way I am able. I chose 10 gifts that will make me better prepared, help me stay on top of other obligations and some that are just fun!


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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

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