Local Food Roulette

Each year I struggle to find something special to give hubby for Christmas, Valentines, his birthday and more. He is just difficult to buy for. But this year, for the weeks before his birthday, he talked more and more about the local food available here in West Michigan.

Inexpensive, easy, and AWESOME gift for the foodie in your life! Local Food Roulette! | saynotsweetanne.com

Now, I’d say hubby has been a foodie for years. It wasn’t a new development or a fad. But lately his mild interest has blossomed into more of a focused passion. Rather than just talking about great food he happened to eat or make, he was planning trips to new places to try new great foods that were recommended to him.

So, that became the basis of my birthday gift. Our city has a local FB group that allows people to chat about the latest and greatest in local food options. (No national chains allowed). I started there, compiling list after list of places to eat. I searched the FB group, browsed the website and local news articles to come up with several “Top 12” lists in several key food categories.

Inexpensive, easy, and AWESOME gift for the foodie in your life! Local Food Roulette! | saynotsweetanne.com Inexpensive, easy, and AWESOME gift for the foodie in your life! Local Food Roulette! | saynotsweetanne.com
That was the hard part. After that, I just printed my lists on some pretty paper, bound them together with a ring, and delivered them to hubby with some cash and two dice.  Now when he wants to try something new (or when we get caught in the “you pick,” “no, YOU pick,” rut) he can go to the list, roll the dice (snake eyes gives him the option of selecting the #1 or #2 item) and the roulette chooses for us!

Inexpensive, easy, and AWESOME gift for the foodie in your life! Local Food Roulette! | saynotsweetanne.com

I also included a few blank lists so that hubby can put together favorites, or even just restaraunts he wants to try that didn’t come up in my research, and play the game with those as well.

Inexpensive, easy, and AWESOME gift for the foodie in your life! Local Food Roulette! | saynotsweetanne.com

He absolutely loved the gift, and it hangs prominently on our fridge waiting out next night out (yeah, because that’s a thing that new parents get – right?)

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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

4 thoughts on “Local Food Roulette

  1. This is so awesome! I had no idea about these food delivery systems but it definitely sounds like a fun and unexpected surprise! Thanks so much for sharing, I will be sure to check this out!

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