When pregnant, there are a lot of things to avoid. Many of them are obvious. No drinking, no smoking, no trampolines etc. But sometimes the restrictions take you by surprise. US medicine is often focused on the “why risk it?” mentality. For that reason, the list of no-no foods that my doctor provided me included a variety of foods that probably won’t make me sick…but could.
Food poisoning happens. It happens more often in long-term buffet style foods. So no buffets. Undercooked/uncooked meats have a parasite risk. So no rare steaks, no smoked salamis, no room-temp meat. Raw eggs carry a salmonella risk. Its a fact. The risk is small, but while carrying a tiny human inside me I couldn’t help but wonder – “is it worth the risk?” (hint: before I was pregnant the answer was always yes!)
So, while I found myself baking more in those 9 months than ever before, I had been robbed of the bowl-and-spoon-licking delight that is uncooked egg, sugar and flour. No more brownie batter, no more cake batter and, sadly, no more cookie dough.

Except, as you’ll recall from my Cookie Dough Truffles, there are alternatives to eggs in cookie dough. Problem solved! But I have to admit that even someone “eating for two” should probably not have an entire batch of eggless cookie dough laying around. No, I needed something that was small, just enough to mimic the licking of the spoon, the scraping of the bowl that is the baker’s reward for a cookie batch well done.
So, I did a little math, a little googling, and I ended up here. Amazing, single serve safe cookie dough! Add semi-sweet chips, white chocolate chips (pictured) or nothing at all. While I don’t recommend eating a lot of it, you can certainly enjoy your reward without the risk, and without the guilt of eating a whole batch. Plus it whips up really quick!
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 1/4 cup room temp/softened butter, not melted. You can also sub coconut oil.
- 4-6 tbs flour (depends on your preference and moisture of the mixture)
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 1/8 tsp baking powder
- 1/8 tsp vanilla
- 1 tbs milk
- 3 tbs chocolate chips, nuts, or any mix-in you’d like!
- Combine salt, baking powder and 4 tbs of flour in a bowl. Combine milk and vanilla in another small bowl.
- Cream together butter and brown sugar until smooth.
- Add flour mixture. Stir well.
- Add milk and vanilla mixture and stir. Mixture should become a dough. If too wet, add additional flour 1 tbs at a time.
That is all! Keep mixture in the refrigerator, or eat it right away. In total it makes a little over 4 ounces, so if you were feeling benevolent, you could share. Or, you could hoard it, balancing on your ever-growing baby bump while bing-watching Kitchen Nightmares. But you know, to each their own.
Kayla Domeyer
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Kayla, I just found this recipe and have made them twice. The base for these is VERY much like cookie dough: no eggs, no baking. You should try it. It may change your life, or at least your mind. 🙂 (It’s fewer ingredients, that’s why I shared.)