DIY Soft Blocks for Baby

Adorable and Easy DIY soft blocks! Perfect for baby showers, or a just because gift! | saynotsweetanne.comI’m not really big into sewing. Every now and then I take a stab at it, and it usually turns out pretty good, but its not relaxing for me. I do most of my crafting to unwind. But now that my son The Squish is getting older, I am constantly wanting to make things for him. He’s too young for paper – which pretty much leaves fabric and sewing.

This Christmas I wanted to make Squish some adorable blocks. I knew that he was likely to get wooden blocks from family as a gift, and I wanted something he could grasp and throw without danger of damage. Plus I found these ADORABLE quarters at the fabric store and I wanted to make something out of them!

Adorable and Easy DIY soft blocks! Perfect for baby showers, or a just because gift! |

I do a lot of printables that revolve around boxes, so I decided to apply the same logic. Boxes all have 6 sides, so I picked out 6 panels of the pre-cut fabric (what a time saver!) I even stamped a few of the panels with Squish’s initial to make them extra special.

All in all the 3 blocks only took me about an hour, and the materials cost was less than $10.

What You Need:

  • Fabric squares, or fabric cut into squares. Mine are 4″ x 4″.
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine or needle + thread
  • Polyester batting

How To Make It:

  1. The easiest way to start is by sewing 4 of the squares together, right sides facing like shown.
    Adorable and Easy DIY soft blocks! Perfect for baby showers, or a just because gift! |
  2. Now, add 2 more squares, these will be the top and the bottom.
  3. Now, start to sew the rest of the edges together. If you imagine a 3D box, you can see which edges should touch. Keep everything right sides together. On the final edge, leave 2″ open for turning/stuffing.
    Adorable and Easy DIY soft blocks! Perfect for baby showers, or a just because gift! |
    Adorable and Easy DIY soft blocks! Perfect for baby showers, or a just because gift! | Adorable and Easy DIY soft blocks! Perfect for baby showers, or a just because gift! |
  4. Turn out your block, it’s starting to look good!
    Adorable and Easy DIY soft blocks! Perfect for baby showers, or a just because gift! |
  5. Press your seams. This goes a LONG way to making the finished product look like a crisp cube.
    Adorable and Easy DIY soft blocks! Perfect for baby showers, or a just because gift! |
  6. Stuff the cube, being careful to get in the corners so that they fill out. The cube can be bulging or crisp, depending on how much you fill it.
    IMG_9598 copy
  7. Sew your stuffing/turning hole closed. Voila! You have an adorable soft block!!
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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

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