Beyond Adorable Felt Happy Bunny How To

Celebrate spring and Easter with this adorable Happy Bunny! This easy felt craft is great for beginning crafters, and would make a cute basket stuffer! |

Felt crafts are one of those really adorable genres that is actually pretty easy to get into. The bold colors and cozy nature of a felt craft makes them instantly adorable, and the forgiving and inexpensive nature of felt makes it pretty approachable. For that reason, felt crafts are often some of the first “sewing” crafts that kids get a chance to try. This Felt Bunny tutorial would be great as a monitored craft for a 10+ child, or if done with glue instead of thread, could be good for kids 5+.

Celebrate spring and Easter with this adorable Happy Bunny! This easy felt craft is great for beginning crafters, and would make a cute basket stuffer! |

This little happy felt bunny craft makes me smile, and it is sure to brighten anyone’s day. Tuck him into a lunch box, pepper him into an Easter basket, and warm someone’s little heart. You can put whatever face you want on him, so he doesn’t have to be as sleepy as mine. Grab some adorable beads and he could even have eyes!

What You Need:

  • Felt fabric – orange, green and 2 or 3 other colors of your choice.
  • Scissors
  • Matching thread and needle
  • Fabric glue (optional)
  • Pencil – to trace the template
  • Template
Happy Bunny Template

How To Make It:

  1. Print and cut out the patterns from the template. Trace the patterns on the selected felt fabrics and cut them out carefully.
  2. On one of the Body pieces, use a pencil to sketch your happy face. Using dark thread, stitch the face.
    Celebrate spring and Easter with this adorable Happy Bunny! This easy felt craft is great for beginning crafters, and would make a cute basket stuffer! | (2) copy
  3. Once done stitching the face details attach the 2 inner parts of the ears and the heart pattern. You can either glue or stitch these patterns, however you wish to.
    Celebrate spring and Easter with this adorable Happy Bunny! This easy felt craft is great for beginning crafters, and would make a cute basket stuffer! |
  4. Place the 2 body parts together (one on the top of the other one), with the bunny’s face on top. Prepare needle and thread to stitch around the sides of both parts to join them. Start the stitch from anywhere but make sure to keep a small opening for stuffing. You can use the left over felt pieces for the stuffing. Cut the left over felt pieces into small bits. And tuck them inside.
    Celebrate spring and Easter with this adorable Happy Bunny! This easy felt craft is great for beginning crafters, and would make a cute basket stuffer! | (3) copy
  5. Fill the bunny pattern with the felt pieces, use something thin and pointy (pencil should do) to push the stuffing towards the head of the bunny.
    Celebrate spring and Easter with this adorable Happy Bunny! This easy felt craft is great for beginning crafters, and would make a cute basket stuffer! |
  6. When you are finished stuffing, close the open end to secure the stuffing. Tie 2 tight knots and cut off extra thread.
    Celebrate spring and Easter with this adorable Happy Bunny! This easy felt craft is great for beginning crafters, and would make a cute basket stuffer! |
  7. Take the 2 carrots pieces and place the short one on the top of the taller one; match the bottom ends of both pieces.
    Celebrate spring and Easter with this adorable Happy Bunny! This easy felt craft is great for beginning crafters, and would make a cute basket stuffer! |
  8. Prepare matching thread and needle and stitch around the sides to join both pieces. Keep the top side of the smaller part open. When done stitching tie a tight knot and cut off extra thread.
  9. Finally, stitch the 2 green leaf patterns on the top side of the larger part of the carrot. Place the larger leaf at the back and the smaller leaf on the front. Tie a knot at the end and cut off extra thread.
    Celebrate spring and Easter with this adorable Happy Bunny! This easy felt craft is great for beginning crafters, and would make a cute basket stuffer! | (9) copy
  10. Place the bunny inside the carrot pouch and enjoy your Happy Bunny!

Celebrate spring and Easter with this adorable Happy Bunny! This easy felt craft is great for beginning crafters, and would make a cute basket stuffer! |

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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

3 thoughts on “Beyond Adorable Felt Happy Bunny How To

  1. Thanks Kayla loved the little rabbit inside a carrot off to make one for my Grandson for Easter really missing him right now.
    kind wishes Lynne from the UK

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