DIY Coasters made with Permanent Markers

Beautiful DIY Permanent Marker "painted" coasters. This technique is so unique and lovely, and it's so easy! |

I’ve been a big fan of alcohol inks and the water color effects thereof for a long time. You can see it in my domino necklaces, In my Sharpie mugs, and now in this DIY Permanent Marker Painted Coaster that first appeared on in 2016. Since then, these bad boys have stood up to use in my office, and even on our large conference table. If anyone’s ever spent time in an office, you know that group materials don’t always get a gentle treatment.

I’m happy to say these DIY Coasters are still looking lovely and holding up well! In fact, I’ve made a few more with some glitter and other patterns thrown in! The DIY coasters would make lovely housewarming gifts, and I even think a paint-your-own party would be fun!

What You Need:

  • White ceramic tiles of your choice. (I love the hexagon look)
  • Sharpie or other permanent ink markers
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Cotton ball, paint brush or Q-tip
  • Metallic paint and paintbrush
  • Felt
  • Glue

How To Make It:

  1. Choose the colors you’d like to work with, and color a few areas on your clean and dry tile. Don’t worry about making any designs. You’re just laying down some ink to work with in the next steps.
  2. Using your rubbing alcohol and your Q-tip or device of choice, wet the surface of the ink. This will make a water color effect. You can experiment with dots, squiggles or whatever you choose. In this set I just did a back and forth motion to make this stripe-like effect.
  3. The ink will dry quickly. Once dry, you can paint the edges of your tiles to get a more finished look.
  4. After the edges are dry, trace your tile onto some craft felt. Cut the felt about 2mm smaller than your tracing, and glue it to the back of your tile. This way it won’t scratch up your tables.
  5. Repeat to make a while set of lovely coasters!


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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

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