25 Valentines Even a Toddler Can Make

25 + Adorable Valentine crafts, Valentines and treats perfect for little helpers! | Saynotsweetanne.com

There are few gifts I love more than home made ones, and that goes doubly for things my children make. There’s just something so personal and rewarding in a gift a child has made with you in mind, and these 25 Valentines are beyond loveable! Whether you’re looking for something to do with your little one, or planning a classroom activity – valentines kids can make are sure to be a hit!

Each one of these valentines kids can make is either adorable, delicious, sweet – or all three! Children are generally kind, and Valentine’s day is a great way to explore what kindness might mean to a friend or a neighbor. Valentines might have originally been for romantic love – but the message of loving your neighbor is just as easily used when talking to kids. And what better way to open their ears than to keep their little hands busy!

  1. Coloring Book Valentines by SayNotSweetAnne
    Free Printable Color-In Valentines! Have your little color them in, or give them with crayons as a candy-free Valentine activity! | Saynotsweetanne.com
  2. DIY Mailbox Valentine by MamaSmiles
  3. DIY Coffee Filter Valentine by SchoolingAMonkey
  4. Minions Valentines Day Box by JennsBlahBlahBlog
  5. DIY Valentines Day Box by ForEveryMom
  6. DIY Kids Valentines Card by BlogWithMom
  7. Mini Pocket Valentines by WeRMemoryKeepers
  8. Jeweled Sun Catchers by Kids Craft Room
    25 + Adorable Valentine crafts, Valentines and treats perfect for little helpers! | Saynotsweetanne.com
  9. Handprint Valentine by MamaSmiles
  10. Burlap Valentine by MamaSmiles
  11. Printable Slime Valentines by SchoolingAMonkey
  12. Simple Valentine by SerendipityRefined
  13. Rock Valentines by LittleLovables
  14. Candle Valentine by RealSimple
  15. Yoda Best Valentine by DesignWashRinseRepeat
  16. Star Wars Valentines by SayNotSweetAnne
  17. Valentine Printable by SayNotSweetAnne
    Easy DIY Jeweled Necklace Valentines! Perfect for last minute, with space for any kind of candy! | saynotsweetanne.com | #valentine #cute #DIY #necklace #princess
  18. Cupid’s Arrow Valentine by ItsWrittenOnTheWalls
  19. String Heart Cards by HelloWonderful
  20. Butterfly Valentines by Mamamelia
  21. Valentine’s Day Heart Fingerprint Tree by Easy Peasy and Fun
    25 + Adorable Valentine crafts, Valentines and treats perfect for little helpers! | Saynotsweetanne.com
  22. Paper Plate Valentine by DaniellesPlace
  23. Paint Chip Valentine by Instructables
  24. Ninja Turtle Valentine by HousingAForest
  25. Heart Tree Valentines by NiftyMom
  26. Crown of Hearts by Happy Mothering
  27. 3D Paper Heart Craft by Easy Peasy and Fun
  28. Valentine’s Day Marshmallows by Sugar Spice and Glitter
    25 + Adorable Valentine crafts, Valentines and treats perfect for little helpers! | Saynotsweetanne.com
  29. Heart Necklace Kids Craft by Kids Craft Room
  30. Treat Pockets by Honey and Lime
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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am an Artist and Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you find something interesting here. In the past 15 years since I started the site, I bought a house, had two children, and shifted careers. My focus now is more about sharing and less about the daily grind.

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