30 Days to Finding your Blogging Voice

Today I stumbled on this AMAZING challenge set forth by Iuliana at Hip2Thrift. I’ve decided to participate, so enjoy learning about me as we go along!

We moved around a fair bit while I was a child. I didn’t have any siblings until I was 10, so I always had a room to myself. Also, when I was about 6 my parents bought a double bed at a college dormitory sale- so I’ve had a large bed as long as I can remember. I’ve had a variety of crazy decor and stuff (of my own making) in my bedrooms for as long as I can remember.

Once I took a large lace curtain and I used nails in the wall to create a makeshift canopy. It was in the corner of the wall so it made almost a lace shelf. Then, I piled all of my stuffed animals up on it. Later I put my alarm clock on it, facing down so I could see it through the lace when I was underneath. I remember feeling so safe with that roof over my head and all of my “protectors” around.

Random memory, I remember laying in that bed with that canopy late one night after mom had woken me up to tell me Princess Diana had been in a car accident.

Later as a teen, in a different home, my Dad built me a bedroom in the basement of our home. My brother and sister slept upstairs but I was the only one in the basement. I painted my floor turqouise, and the walls might cyan. (Yeah- are you imagining that!?) then, I painted ivy growing out of all the corners and lightswitches. At the time, I thought it was SO cool. Looking back, that room always felt dingy and dark. Probably because of all that dark blue-green.

After my Dad died, I moved back into my mom’s house for a bit. I repainted that room beige, recovered the floor with a faux wood vinyl, and accented with Dark brown curtains and very light blue accessories. It looked much better after that. My brother lives there now. =D

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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

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