Behind the Scenes Sneak Peek

As a blogger, it is hard not to get caught up in comparing yourself with everyone else. I mean, blogging by rights means that I am opening myself up to you all. Showing you what I made, what I think, and where I made it. The trouble is, there is this constant urge to hide or pretty up the things that I show you. I mean, no one wants to see my disaster craft room – just the finished craft. Right?

This is my messy craft room. Every time I come up with supplies for a new project, they end up on the floor in a bag.
This is my messy craft room. Every time I come up with supplies for a new project, they end up on the floor in a bag.
This is where the photography happens. Since I photograph the project in steps, I'm often making the craft off to the right while photographic it on the left. Its a mess!
This is where the photography happens. Since I photograph the project in steps, I’m often making the craft off to the right while photographic it on the left. Its a mess!

The trouble with this is that sometimes it makes things look a little too perfect. This hit me head on about two weeks ago, when I message my husband mid day because seeing another person’s blog just took the wind out of my sails. Not only were her photos amazing, her crafts were beautiful and her house (which was included in almost every photograph) was so damn perfect.  I instantly felt like a loser in comparison. My photos aren’t that good, and my projects don’t always turn out, and where the heck did she get that house!? I just couldn’t compete.

So, like I do, I ranted to some of my bloggy friends. The general consensus was that the blogger in question probably wasn’t that perfect, but crafted the photos and posts to make it appear that way. Not in order to make herself look good, or make me envious, but just to put her best food forward- like dressing up for an interview.

Like we all do.

So, we all decided that we should take off the mask for a minute and let you all see what it REALLY looks like around here. There are several great bloggers who agreed- so don’t forget to peek and see the mess behind the beauty!!

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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

4 thoughts on “Behind the Scenes Sneak Peek

  1. I am so happy that I am not the only one that feels insecure about other bloggers’ perfect looking houses and blog. What sucks in this feeling is, it takes away the joy of blogging when I started a blog so that I’ll have fun and get a hobby. I vow to stop comparing (though difficult), but I will continually try so that the happiness of blogging will not be stolen from me…
    shobelyn recently posted..Pot Stickers Recipe – Steamed Pork and Shrimp DumplingMy Profile

  2. Your craft room is the equivalent to my kitchen. Supplies everywhere, bits and pieces all over the place, stuff never really put away because I’ll just need it again tomorrow… I’m glad you’re human, just like me 🙂
    Karyn recently posted..Oven Dried Mixed FruitMy Profile

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