Parent’s guide to video game shopping

My husband is a gamer. My brother is a gamer. I am a gamer. My poor, dear, mother… is not. And each year I receive at least 5 frantic texts from her asking about one thing or another related to her shopping list. (Usually when she’s in the aisle and has suddenly realized she doesn’tRead more

DIY White Jeweled Pumpkin

Do you remember the pumpkin that turned in to Cinderella’s BEAUTIFUL white carriage? Well I do. And a couple weeks ago when I stumbled across a pretty white pumpkin with the words “Happy Halloween” on it, I was instantly transported to a realm of up-scale, chic and modern whimsical Halloween decor. I was snapped outRead more

Free Printable Halloween Coffin Boxes!

This project has a little bit of nostalgia for me. In my high school (forever ago!) student groups would sell “PumpkinGrams.” They were little scraps of halloween themed paper taped to a candy bar, sold for a dollar and delivered to whichever friends you chose. I remember being so excited during 6th hour on the lastRead more

Printable Mother’s Day Cards + Envelopes

Today I’ve got an extra special treat to share! Well, it might be just ordinary special to most, but it is extra special to me. This Mother’s Day will be my first as a mom and not just a daughter. The prospect is both terrifying and so exciting! But I wanted to make sure thatIRead more

Printable Siblings Cards

Mother’s and Father’s Day are on the horizon, but did you know there is such a thing as Sibling’s Day? It’s April 10th. Its not super official but they are working to make it a national holiday (Check it out at In 2014, Siblings Day became pretty well known on social media channels like FacebookRead more

20 Amazing and Adorable Ways to Use Peeps

One of my favorite signs of spring is the sudden appearance of birds. One day there is nothing, not a perfectly formed beak to be found… and the next day they flock around all my favorite neighborhood stores. Bright plumage lining all of the candy aisles. Of course I’m not talking about real birds. Oh no.Read more

14 Adorable and Unique Printable Love Coupons

What do you get the person who has everything? That is easy! You! You give them your time, (or maybe a little time off) and your energy. For many, these gifts mean even more than typical chocolates and a card. I like to give DIY gifts or a similar reason, like Printable Love Notes & Tin, LocalRead more

Soft Heart Candies + Valentine Printable

I’ve mentioned before that Valentine’s Day at my house get lumped in with our wedding anniversary. For that reason, we don’t typically do anything fancy on the actual February 14th. Instead we avoid crowds and high costs by doing something special closer to the 19th. That doesn’t mean, however, that the official V-Day is allowedRead more