2 Pick Tuesday!

2 Pick Tuesday

Hello everyone! I hope your week is going well! I’m undertaking some pretty big projects here at work so I’ve been a little on edge. But- its only Tuesday and I have every confidence that the rest of the week will go smoothly. I’ve been catching up on some cleaning, and some projects and IRead more

Linky Love

Linky Parties are a vital part of sharing and scoping out great projects all over the web. I am proud to link up to the following parties, and I hope you’ll visit me here at Sweet Sharing Mondays!

Quick and Easy Paper Basket How To

I saw this wonderful paper basket post from 2009 on The Little Blue Room, and thought it was SO CUTE! So, the next step was to make a cutting file for the paper basket, so that I could make multiples in a flash for Easter. And the step after THAT is sharing them all withRead more