$1 DIY Stamps!

Before we get into my DIY stamps, let me say I can’t really convey exactly how much I love the dollar store. Nor can I accurately express how much my hubby hates it. Why? Because every time I go in there I end up taking forever and spending WAY more than a person should spend at the dollar store. But still, he prefers it to the vastness of Hobby Lobby, so every now and then we go. =D

Easy DIY Eraser Stamps! $1 investment and tons of ideas! | saynotsweetanne.com

This week I stumbled across these babies. Yeah, those are super big erasers! I’m guessing most people won’t get as excited as I did about this- but erasers are a secret medium I like to keep around…FOR STAMPS! You see, in High school we had a little printmaking expedition in art class, which consisted off carving designs and then making prints from a giant slab of rubber. Once the class was done with those slabs, they were chopped up and distributed throughout the school. Why? Because they were nothing more than giant white erasers. I’ve kept that little tidbit of info locked away in my brain for years. When I saw these giant erasers- It clicked! These are especially nice because the larger sized stamps can get REALLY pricey in stores!

What You Will Need:

  • Giant eraser
  • Some sort of carving tool. (Mine is a linoleum cutter from a craft store ~$6)
  • Stamp pad


How To Make It:

  1. Firstly, gather your erasers. I found these fancy printed type to be EXTREMELY nice because you can just follow the printed design! No need to plan out or create your own!
    Easy DIY Eraser Stamps! $1 investment and tons of ideas! | saynotsweetanne.com
  2. Now, using your carving tool, begin to trace your design. There may be large areas that you will want to carve out later- but for now just do the outline.
    Easy DIY Eraser Stamps! $1 investment and tons of ideas! | saynotsweetanne.com
  3. Once the outline is done, you can go back and remove larger areas. (For me, it was the background behind the robot.) Keep in mind that you are carving away what you DON’T want to appear on your stamp. You carve away what you want to be blank, and leave what you want to pick up the ink.
    Easy DIY Eraser Stamps! $1 investment and tons of ideas! | saynotsweetanne.com
  4. Um. That’s it. Man, I really feel like I should make up a couple more steps… but there aren’t any! Ink that bad boy up and press it down on some paper! Be sure to put pressure all over the stamp!
    Easy DIY Eraser Stamps! $1 investment and tons of ideas! | saynotsweetanne.com
  5. Try it on some littler erasers too! There were probably 15 different illustrated erasers at the dollar store when I went. I just outlined this pretty flower one and its so cute!

    Easy DIY Eraser Stamps! $1 investment and tons of ideas! | saynotsweetanne.comEasy DIY Eraser Stamps! $1 investment and tons of ideas! | saynotsweetanne.com
  6. Oh, and you can of course start on a blank eraser and make your OWN design!
    Easy DIY Eraser Stamps! $1 investment and tons of ideas! | saynotsweetanne.com
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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

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