Sweet Sharing Monday

Woohoo! Its Valentine’s week! I hope you’re all ready for the big heart day! And if not, you can always check out some of my quick and easy printable V-Day options (Hearts to Hearts card game, I love you Candy Wrapper, Conversation Hearts Bingo) We’ve had a ton of snow this week- but not as much as some other places. As a result, I spent my weekend watching Princess Bride, The Never Ending Story and fooling around with some craft projects. But- today I’m back to work. :C

How about you!? What have you been up to?

Also, if you want a reminder email when the party goes up – sign up on the right side bar!

The party is after the features!!

Sweet Sharing Monday Most Clicked:


Valentine Ideas by Ashbee Designs
These are too cool! You know, I’ve had my cutting machine over a year now, and I really don’t spend enough time making awesome things like this!! They are the snowflake of Valentine’s day and I’m so glad Marji has shared it! Couldn’t you see these hanging on a garland at a Valentine’s party?… I might have to put that idea in my back pocket. ♥


And my Personal Favorite:

Samoa Cupcakes by Six Sisters Stuff
Shut. The. Front. Door. Do you see those up there? Take another look. THOSE ARE SAMOA CUPCAKES. Samoas, my all-time favorite Girl Scout Cookie- IN CUPCAKE FORM. Is there any wonder this is my favorite for the week? I saw the teeny thumbnail in my inLinkz dashboard and KNEW. I just KNEW, before I even clicked on it that THIS was the one. I need to make these. Like- yesterday.



If you were featured don’t forget to grab a button!

Enough! Let’s do some Sweet Sharing!

Don’t forget to Check back on Thursday to see which link was the most viewed!

To link back to the party- just copy & paste this code onto your blog!

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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

16 thoughts on “Sweet Sharing Monday

  1. Happy Monday Kayla! Thanks for featuring the incire valentine. It is such a neat paper project. This week I am linking my new birch tree silhouette project. I did it with a silhouette machine but the cuts are easy enough that they could be done by hand without the machine as well. Thanks for organizing the party!
    Marji Roy recently posted..Snow HeartsMy Profile

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