Sweet Sharing Monday

Well Happy St. Patrick’s Day!! I hope you remembered to wear green today, or you’ll be hearing about it all day long. I spent my weekend working, hubby spent it spring-cleaning (bless him) and somewhere in there I found time to make a rainbow of DIY colored sugar. You know, for St. Patrick’s Day. (And because I just love looking at all the colors of sugar….)

Anyhoo – I’m so excited to see all of the new crafts this week!

[warning] Please remember to visit other’s links. If you are an early bird, come back in a day or so to see what all was linked up. The last party link/click ratio was 5 links per one click. :C [/warning]

Also, if you want a reminder email when the party goes up – sign up on the right side bar! The party is after the features!!

Sweet Sharing Monday Most Clicked:

DIY Peppermint Sugar Scrub Bars by Happy Mothering

I have to admit, with all the DIY lotions and creams I make, I’ve never made a sugar scrub. I have made soap though. I’ve never heard of combining them but these creations from Chrystal seem easy and oh so beautiful! Its soap, and a sugar scrub – in one!


And my Personal Favorite:

Irish Blessing Printable by Live, Laugh, Rowe.

What can I say, I’m a sucker for a good printable. AND it is a St.Patrick’s Day craft that you still have time to do, even if you start today! Kelly did a great job and I really love the sentiment of these easy peasy cards!

If you were featured don’t forget to grab a button!

Enough! Let’s do some Sweet Sharing!

Don’t forget to Check back on Thursday to see which link was the most viewed!

To link back to the party- just copy & paste this code onto your blog!

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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

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