Minecraft Printable Costume Set

So, I like Minecraft. You might has guessed as much after my DIY Creeper Peeps and Minecraft World Building Marshmallows. So it may not come as a surprise to you that one of our ideas for Halloween this year is to dress up like Steve (the player character) and a Creeper! So, I set to workRead more

Minecraft Party World-Building Candies

I love Minecraft. I used to play it a lot more than lately, but my sister still does. After the huge success of my Minecraft Creeper marshmallows, and my fun with Marshmallow Sugar Decorated Eggs, I decided to dig a little deeper. At its root, Minecraft is made of blocks. And who doesn’t like those?Read more

Parent’s guide to video game shopping

My husband is a gamer. My brother is a gamer. I am a gamer. My poor, dear, mother… is not. And each year I receive at least 5 frantic texts from her asking about one thing or another related to her shopping list. (Usually when she’s in the aisle and has suddenly realized she doesn’tRead more

Doctor Who Printable Boxes

This site serves to document quite a few of my geeky endeavors. From Minecraft Creeper Marshmallows, to Zelda Printed Baby blankets, to Mario Boxes and more. So, it probably comes as no surprise that I’m also a big Doctor Who fan. And what do I do with things I love? I make crafts out ofRead more

Printable Mario Treat Boxes

It is no secret that Hubby and I are gamers. In the past I’ve shared Minecraft creeper marshmallows, Printable Minecraft costumes, Zelda themed swaddle blanket and this awesome Zelda themed ceramic mug. Today though, I’m going even more old school. I’m talking the Nintendo Entertainment System, baby! The console itself was released in my husband’s birth year,Read more

Sugared Marshmallow Eggs

Let’s face it. Egg dying can be a momma’s worst nightmare. I remember my mom setting up an area that Dexter would be proud of before she even let that liquid near the eggs. In constant fear of stained floors, tables, linens and walls; egg dying was a special treat that came with a lotRead more

Marshmallow Creepers Peep Treats Recipe

Last April fools day ThinkGeek pulled a prank about Marshmallow Creepers. These were Peeps that looked like Creepers from the popular indie game Minecraft. Well, needless to say it went over well, and people were sorely disappointed to discover that they could not actually purchase them. For months I’ve been thinking about making my ownRead more

Merry ChrisssSSSssstmas

Alright I admit it. I’m a bit of a nerd. My Husband works in IT- I spend my whole day on a computer doing Graphic Design- and just this week end I broke out a 20 year old DOS based game (Tim Sweeny’s ZZT) just to remenisce. And if you don’t understand that last part-Read more