Craft Room Prints!

Free Printable Craft Room Prints at

Work in our new house hasn’t been going quite as fast as I’d like. By now, I thought I’d be brimming with finished projects, room reveals and all sorts of goodies to share with you. But, while we’ve started work on several projects, very few of them are complete.

Slowly but surely.

My craft room is inching ever closer to being finished, so I set aside some time this week to make some cute craft room prints! I wanted them to have a sense of humor, because we all need that when a project goes south.

And you know darn well I shared them with you!! What if you don’t need craft room prints? Well the first and second surely have other purposes. Imagine for a teacher, or a teen boy? A graphic designer, or a film student. There are plenty of non-craft room uses. ;D

Below are the three prints, just right click > Save As!

Free Printable Craft Room Prints at

Free Printable Craft Room Prints at

Free Printable Craft Room Prints at


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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

20 thoughts on “Craft Room Prints!

  1. Thanks!!! These are all awesome and I am excited to put them up in my craft room that has been a work in progress.

  2. Hi Kayla,

    IT WORKED!!!!!!!! Thanks so much. When I get our craft room all done I will send you a picture of the three of us crafting it surrounded by your art.

    Thanks so very much! Heather

  3. Hi Kayla,

    I am having the same problem as the the others. I am right clicking on the first two and it does not even give me the save a option. When I double click to the larger image it goes to the glue gun image only and on that one I have the save as option.

    These are so fabulous! We are in the process of buying a new house and it has an area to set up as a craft room for us girls in the house. I showed these prints to my 12 year old and she busted up laughing and said, “Mommy, we have to hang that in our craft room.” Thanks so much for sharing your talents!

    :), Heather

    1. Heather! Thanks for letting me know exactly what was happening, I think I fixed it! Try now and let me know ;D

  4. I love these prints! I cannot download them. It seems that all 3 images are one link that leads only to the glue gun image. Am I doing something wrong?

    1. Heidi, how strange! I just clicked in each one, and it les me to the individual jpeg images. Are you using the “right click >save as” method? Maybe try just clicking the links and THEN saving? Let me know if that works!

        1. Crazy weird! Can you tell me, are you right clicking, and then choosing “save as”?

          Have you tried clicking the image until it shows up bigger, and THEN trying to save? I wish I could recreate this on my end so I could fix it!!

    1. Derra,

      Are you taking about these? They aren’t stickers, just printables you put on paper. =D I didn’t fill them with candy, just more washcloths =D

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