DIY Custom Cupcake Flags with Template [Free Printable]

DIY Cupcake Flags with Customizable Template at

Do you remember my BFF Amy? The star of such posts as Custom Pyrex and Dishtowels, DIY Cookie Cutter, Wedding Countdown Printable, and Spray Painted Cookies? Well, she’s my BFF. I love her.

And She’s moving to South Korea.

I’ve known for months, and I’m super excited for her (She’s going with her hubby to teach English there for a year!) but sad for me. Its been a crazy mix of emotions but today was one of the hardest. Today was her going away party. I made cupcakes.

What is it they say? “When you’re sad- craft!” Oh, they don’t say that? Must just be me then. And I took my own advice, making 3 types of cupcakes for the party, and hand creating flag toppers with goodbye sayings on every one.

DIY Cupcake Flags with Customizable Template at

DIY Cupcake Flags with Customizable Template at

DIY Cupcake Flags with Customizable Template at

It was sort of cathartic. Working with my hands to make pretty things, to spread joy, has always been a coping mechanism for me. I also obsessed over what to give her as a going-away present. She can’t take much to Korea, and she doesn’t wear jewelry etc. Memory books are overdone and we don’t have that many pictures together. I finally settled on this pretty Michigan shaped stone in a locket. I added some pink jewels, and a pick dot where Grand Rapids is. Then I added a pretty silver “A” and the heart charm. I think she liked it. The sand is from Lake Michigan. Hopefully it’ll remind her of home.

Locket From Loves Mitten Designs and edited by Kayla at


Anyway, you’re not here to listen to my woes of impending loneliness. You’re here to see how to make some awesome custom cupcake flags! They were super easy, and I’ve developed a Word Document so that you can make them too! Now, this is the first time I’ve offered a Word Doc as a printable here. So we’re bound to have some hiccups. Let me know if it doesn’t work for you.

What You Need:

  • Microsoft Word (or another program able to read .docx)
  • Printer
  • Toothpicks
  • Glue
  • Scissors

How To Make Them:

  1. Download the Word Document. THIS ONE is red white and blue colored. THIS ONE is blank, so you’ll have to print on colored paper.
  2. Open the document in Word, and write your sayings in the text boxes. Don’t resize the boxes, make your font smaller if it doesn’t fit.
    DIY Cupcake Flags with Customizable Template at
  3. Print the flags.
  4. Cut out the flags on the top and bottom, but not the sides yet.
    DIY Cupcake Flags with Customizable Template at
  5. Fold the flag on the dotted line and unfold. Dab some glue where the toothpick will go, and at the end of the flag.
    DIY Cupcake Flags with Customizable Template at
  6. Place the toothpick and seal the glue around it. Then, trim off the end of the flag.
    DIY Cupcake Flags with Customizable Template at
    DIY Cupcake Flags with Customizable Template at
  7. Repeat as needed until you’ve made all your flags!!

All in all I think they added some nice pop to the red white and blue themed cupcakes. Everyone loved looking through and choosing a cupcake by the saying attached. This would be a great addition to a birthday party, or a class snack. Heck, they don’t need to be printed! Use this same technique to make them out of pretty paper, or washi tape!
DIY Cupcake Flags with Customizable Template at



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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

15 thoughts on “DIY Custom Cupcake Flags with Template [Free Printable]

    1. Hey Paola!

      Sorry, you can’t get this template directly from Word. Its one that I made and it isn’t in their library. :C

  1. Thanks for posting this download! I was in need of food flags and my grocery store was out of them. I called a restaurant supply business and oddly they only had the Mexican flag. Weird. Is Amy still in South Korea?

    1. Happy to help! Yes, she is. :C She’s having a good time, but homesick. She should be back late August! I miss my bestie!

  2. Love this. Is there any way to get the a white template where you can have writing on the front and back when you fold it over? Thanks!

    1. Colleen,

      If there are no background colors involved, you won’t really need a template. I know – easy right? Just open your word processor and make two text boxes side by side. Fill them with your phrases and repeat down the page!

  3. These are very cute and unique custom cupcake flag from DIY. I would love to have them for my son’s birthday cupcake next month. This idea is a great way of expressing thoughts and feelings.

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