Tricksy Tip Thursday – Temporarily Shorten Necklaces

Ever put on your favorite necklace to realize that its too long for the neckline you’re wearing? This happens to me a lot with larger sweaters. No fear! You can repurpose an orphaned earring stud to help. Simply put on your necklace, gather the excess chain at the back and slip an old earring through the chain. Put the back on the earring and turn the necklace right way around. Voila! No more snagged or hidden necklaces!

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Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

17 thoughts on “Tricksy Tip Thursday – Temporarily Shorten Necklaces

  1. Totally saved my life. I have a thick chain necklace that was too long; I wanted to look like a chocker. and I was struggling with it for a while. I almost decided to not wear it. But then I decided to google and saw your post! Only took me 10 sec to find a mini stud earring that totally hide in between the necklace and works out perfect! I almost returned this necklace if it wasn’t for your trick. Thank you so much!

  2. I don’t want to find out if the end of the earring post would poke me all day. A tiny closed hoop that is thin enough to go through the links should do the trick smoothly (literally smoothly), so I’ll try a tiny hoop.

  3. Hi Kayla,

    This is really helpful. I never thought of this. I could even bring another pair of earrings with me. I used to snag long necklace before. I also have a favorite necklace but its too long so I had to chose to stay that long or make it short.. Guess what, I choose to make it short since its my always-on-the-go accessory.


  4. Would have helped a lot if you had more pictures showing how you accomplished this. Thanks for the tip all the same! 🙂

    1. Nichola,

      Its really so simple, there aren’t any other picture to take! Just take a regular post earring, and slide it through two adjacent chain links from your necklace. This pinches it and makes it hang shorter. Just make sure the pinch is in the back of your neck and no one will know!

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