Sweet Sharing Monday

Happy Monday everyone!! I hope it has been a great weekend. And next week in the US we get a three day weekend! My sister came and stayed over this week, and we had a blast! She helped me make these awesome DIY dishwasher tabs. Check them out!

[question]Alright, on a serious note. Are linky parties dead? Last week we had 300 links and only 97 clicks. I’ve noticed a steady decline in clicks, while the number of links keeps rising. Have we morphed out of a sharing community and more into a broadcast? [/question]

Also, if you want a reminder email when the party goes up – sign up on the right side bar! The party is after the features!!

Sweet Sharing Monday Most Clicked:

How To Make Crock Pot Yogurt by Side Tracked Sarah

In this guest post my Emmalee on Sarah’s blog, she shows one way of making home made yogurt. Hubby and I have made yogurt quite a few times and we loved it! We never thought of using a slow cooker, or adding jello though. Now we’ve got another thing to test!


And my Personal Favorite:

How to Use a School Planner by One Creative Mommy

I don’t think it is any secret that I love planners. I mean, how many times have I talked about them? But Heidi takes planners above and beyond with an easy to follow plan on how to use them! I wish I could convince my Freshman-In-College brother of the virtue in writing things down!

If you were featured don’t forget to grab a button!

Enough! Let’s do some Sweet Sharing!

Don’t forget to Check back on Thursday to see which link was the most viewed!

To link back to the party- just copy & paste this code onto your blog!

The following two tabs change content below.

Kayla Domeyer

My name is Kayla and I am a Graphic Designer. That means that I love pretty things, and also that I like to make free printables! I'm so happy that you've stopped by to visit my blog, and I hope you will follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest or Instagram!! (Yeah, and I'm totally addicted to the internet).

15 thoughts on “Sweet Sharing Monday

  1. I know times have changed but I can’t help but say that in 2003 people actually built a community and cared about each other. It’s what made blogging fun and I feel that it’s missing now and it really makes me sad.

  2. That’s too bad that bloggers are sharing without clicking!
    I admit I used to spend at least 30 minutes per link party just visiting other people’s links and blogs, and now I don’t always spend that much time. However, I make sure that for every link I share, I click and comment on AT LEAST 3 other links. It’s just courtesy, and besides, I come here to network. Sure, I love clicks and comments, but they mean more when I get to know the bloggers who have left the comments.
    Anyway, thanks for calling us out on not sharing.
    Julie V. recently posted..Garlic Ranch Pizza with BaconMy Profile

  3. To answer your question, I have a few theories.

    1) Parents and non-parents join the same link-ups. While a lot of the parenting blog posts during the summer (kid-friendly crafts, recipes, etc.) appeal to non-parents, right now there’s a huge increase in “back-to-school” stuff, which just doesn’t relate to me. So that’s one theory.

    2) I think most bloggers link-up at multiple linky parties. At the time of this comment, I’ve already seen about a third of the links posted above on other parties in the last four days or so. I’m not going to reopen something I’ve already read.

    3) And honestly, unfortunately, lots of people just link & leave. I do that if I’m one of the first to leave a link, but I try to come back to the next day. If literally not a single link listed appeals to me, and at least 30 have been left, I don’t link-up. I assume that it’s not the right party for my blog. But not everyone is that picky.
    Brita Long recently posted..What I Wore: Black and White Stripes with Pops of RedMy Profile

    1. Thanks for your honest answer Brita!

      I do agree that some of the links might not apply to other people. I also know what you mean about seeing the same links over and over again.

      Of course, it is frustrating for me (the host) because I’ve been putting up this party every Sunday for 2.5 years. That is a huge chunk of my time spent. Also, the rules clearly state that clicking on other’s links is required. So while I do see how you might glance at the list and not see anything of interest – I think in that case (as you mentioned) it is better to not link up at all than to link and ditch.

      Years ago these parties were about supporting each other, networking with other bloggers and learning new things by watching. I’m wondering if the blogger community as a whole is just becoming less communal and more broadcasting. I’m seeing the same trends in share groups and pin groups. People are skipping out on the sharing and just offering their stuff to be shared.

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