How to make Easy Caramel Apple Cider Donuts

Apple Cider and Donuts go together for me. I have wonderful memories of fall trips to apple farms, celebrated by warm cider and fresh-from-the-fryer cinnamon donuts. I’m not sure if this combo is as popular in warmer states as it is here in apple-growing Michigan country, but it is a flavor that I crave when theRead more

Minecraft Printable Costume Set

So, I like Minecraft. You might has guessed as much after my DIY Creeper Peeps and Minecraft World Building Marshmallows. So it may not come as a surprise to you that one of our ideas for Halloween this year is to dress up like Steve (the player character) and a Creeper! So, I set to workRead more

Easy Slow Cooker Apple Cider Caramel Sauce

Oh my goodness, where do I start? First off, I’ll tell you that Hamilton Beach sent me this amazing slow cooker a few weeks ago with hopes that I’d make something awesome in it. But of course, the opinions are all mine. I struggled for a bit because I’m not a food blogger and theRead more

Oracle Party Game [Free Printable]

For centuries there have been games where children pretend to divine their future. From dripping wax into water, to casting a glance through a mirror over your shoulder, to a magic 8 ball,  these types of games have always been a hit party game. So, in preparation for a Halloween Party my sister is throwing,Read more

DIY Organization for Teens

9 teen approved organization projects! Perfect for summer boredom, or just sprucing things up! |

  I’m shocked and excited to admit that my itty-bitty-baby sister started High School last week. Can you imagine!? This teeny little thing that was always SO YOUNG compared to me is now a freshman. Ya’ll don’t even know how old that makes me feel. But, Kristy is an awesome young teen and she has beenRead more

How To Grow Your Blog

Squee! I’m so excited to share my latest endeavor with you! For the past few months myself and 30+ other bloggers have been working to put together this e-book. Each blogger chose to write an article on a topic they are knowledgable in, and the result is an excellent compilation for beginners and experts alike!Read more

Upset Stomach Candies

Ah, the joy of changing seasons. The crisp air, the colorful leaves, the promise of winter snow… and the icky feeling of stomach bugs and flu. Last year, about three quarters of my immediate and extended family got a stomach bug the day after Christmas. It came on so fast and over so many, that weRead more